Social and Events at Cleeve Hill

The social scene at Cleeve Hill is very important to us.  We pride ourselves on being a friendly and fun club!  We have a well-stocked bar, which is run by volunteers and is often open on social tennis nights, particularly during the warmer months.  It is always open on Friday nights during Summer League (May - July) to allow players and spectators to enjoy the night even more!  We also have a big TV and large seating areas both indoors and outdoors.  

Our social events are open to all members, their families and friends. Popular events include live televised sport, wine and cheese night, the Wimbledon ballot, quiz night and casino night.  Friday nights are always popular after league matches, with several members staying long into the night!

Here are some examples of events we ran for members in 2022. 

2023 is sure to be another great year for social events at the club.  We’ll be advertising all events through email, WhatsApp and within our private members Facebook Group, so keep your eyes peeled!