
Cleeve Hill Tennis Club takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously and strives to ensure a safe environment for everyone using the venue.

Audrey Michael is the Welfare Officer for Cleeve Hill Tennis Club, she is the first point of contact if there is anything you are concerned about, or if you have any questions about safeguarding at the club.

Her contact details are available on the Welfare Officers board in the clubhouse or can be found in the safeguarding policy linked at the bottom of this page.

Report a Concern

If you have any concerns you can also log them using the LTA portal Register a Concern | Tennis Association | Tennis in Britain ( , all concerns will be treated confidentially and sensitively.

If you’d like to speak to someone outside of office hours, you can contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000. Remember if you think anyone is in immediate risk of harm – dial 999.

Child Supervision

There are no staff at the venue. In line with National NSPCC advice – all children under the age of 13 attending the club outside of coaching programmes and other organised club activities should be supervised by a parent or known adult.


It is important to understand that all people using the venue do so at their own risk. CHTC can not be held liable for any injury or loss arising out of court use.


Policies and Procedures

Please click on the following links for more information.

CHTC – Safeguarding Policy

CHTC – Equality and Diversity Policy

CHTC - Photography and Filming Policy

CHTC - Code of Conduct

CHTC - Anti Bullying Policy

LTA Safeguarding Children Policy

LTA Safeguarding Adults Policy

Club Rules