
As with any club, we have a few rules and regulations to ensure everyone in the club is happy.  

Behave respectfully 

Members and their guests should conduct themselves properly at all times and show respect to other players, spectators and neighbours, both on and off the court. Members are expected to behave in accordance with the principles of the  Club’s Equality and Diversity Policy which is displayed in the clubhouse. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and for ensuring that they, too, comply with Club Rules and Regulations.


What to wear 

Tennis attire must be worn by all players when on court.  Historically, this meant wearing all white, but nowadays general sportswear is acceptable.  Footwear should have non-marking soles and be appropriate for playing tennis, ie. no heels or pronounced ribbing on the soles, so as not to damage the court. Anyone not adhering to this requirement will be asked to vacate the court and pay for any repairs in the event of damage to the court.  For advice on tennis attire and/or to purchase anything tennis related, contact our club sponsor JorDan: Insert link


Visitors playing at the club 

Full Members may invite visitors to play at the club, on the following conditions:

  • A visitor’s fee is paid and the visitor’s book is signed;
  • That visitor is not allowed to play at the Club more than 4 times within any 12 month period;
  • Suitable tennis attire is worn;
  • If seeking to join in general club play, that they are of an adequate playing standard.

Use of the Courts 

The Committee has the authority to make arrangements for holding matches, match practice sessions, coaching, tournaments or other such competitions and to reserve courts as may be required on any occasions as the Committee considers appropriate. 

In the absence of any reservations applied by the Committee, Full Members shall have priority over Junior Members to use the courts, apart from between the hours of 15:00 – 17:00 on Monday to Friday, and 9:00 – 14:00 on Saturday, when Junior Members shall have priority.

The Men’s and Ladies’ Captains will have priority use of both courts on Monday evenings during the 5 weeks preceding the commencement of Summer League and throughout the Summer League season. Both artificial grass courts will also be required on Friday evenings for matches during the Summer League season which normally starts in May and runs through until August.  

The ClubSpark online booking system will operate for court use as follows:

Floodlit booking runs all week from 07:00-22:00 (with exceptions for Club Play and organised events). Members may book courts for 90-minute slots.


Care of the clubhouse facilities 

It is the responsibility of each member to take care of the Club’s facilities and to take appropriate action if others are not doing so. Junior members are not allowed in the clubhouse without an Adult member present. Any damage to any part of the clubhouse or courts must be reported to a Committee member as soon as possible.

Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not permitted in the clubhouse. 

The last person who leaves the clubhouse must ensure that: 

- All windows are closed

- Patio doors are closed and locked (using the key)

- Bar shutters are closed and locked

- All electrical appliances are turned off

- All internal lights are turned off

- The alarm is set

- The main door is locked. 


Rubbish is not to be left on court but is to be placed in the bins provided. If you notice a bin is full, please empty it.

Neither the Club nor its Committee will be responsible for any loss or damage to equipment or personal items left unattended anywhere on the Club premises. Car parking on-site is at the owners’ risk.


Bar and the sale of alcoholic drinks 

We are lucky enough to have a dedicated bar with a volunteer Bar Manager.  

The supply of alcoholic drinks on the Club premises shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 and all Acts relating thereto and of any conditions attached to the License held by or on behalf of the Club or to any certificate granted in respect of the Club. 

The bar can only be accessed by Adult Members under the supervision of a bar key holder who will be responsible for operating the bar in compliance with the bar procedures. 

The overall purchase and supply of drinks, including the setting of bar prices, is controlled by the Committee via the Bar Manager. We ask that anyone drinking in the bar, takes their glasses to the bar when finished and/or puts them in the dedicated recycling bins.  

Driving into and leaving the club house 

Care should be taken when parking in the club house car park as there are often people and children walking between courts.  

Please turn off your car lights (if possible) when entering and leaving the club as the lights can shine directly into the eyes of players on the bottom courts, in particular the Betty Ford court.  If you cannot turn your lights off then please turn them off or leave as soon as as possible.